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Holy 16 Sanskar || Holy 16 Sacraments

Holy 16 Sacraments(Sanskar)

In Hindu-dharma according to Maharshi Ved Vyas, Holy 16 sacraments are performed from the birth of man to death. Which is as follows:-
1.       Insemination (Garbhadhaan-गर्भाधान)

2.      Punsavana (पुंसवन)

3.      Saymantonyan (सीमंतोन्नायन)

4.      The Jargon (Jatakrama-जातक्रम)

5.      Naming (नामकरण)

6.      Evacuation (निष्क्रमण)

7.      Annaprasan (अन्नप्राशन)

8.     Knucklework (Choodaakarma- à¤šूड़ाकर्म / Mundan Sanskar)

9.      Connivence (Karnavedha-कर्णवेध)

10.  Sacrificial (Yagyopaveet-यज्ञोपवीत)

11.   Vector (Vedarambha-वेदारंभ)

12.  Keshant (केशांत)

13.  Concurrence (Samaavartan-समावर्तन)

14.  Marriage (विवाह)

15.   Inexhaustible or Good wishes (आवसश्याधाम)

16.  Shrodadham (श्रोताधाम / Antyesti - à¤…ंत्येष्टी संस्कार)

Thus, 16 rites of Hindu religion are performed.

Reference :-

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