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Fascinating Facts with Great Quotes of Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein: A Genius

Here we are with 10 fascinating facts about Scientist Albert Einstein. So let's start:-

Q.1:- Does Einstein had dyslexia?

A:- Popular belief holds that Einstein had trouble speaking and in mathematics, but those rumors appear to be false as he excelled in school.

Q.2:- Which Theory gave him celebrity scientist status?

A:One of the pivotal topics that launched him into scientific celebrity status was for the theory of general relativity, the Earth's sun would bend light traveling from other solar systems due to its gravitational pull

Q.3:- What was Hitler doing at that time?

A:- It was during his second trip to the United States that Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, prompting Einstein to abandon his plans to return to Europe due to his Jewish heritage.

Q.4:- Why Einstein is still best for his work?

A:- Einstein may best be known for his theory of relativity, expressed formulaically as E = mc2.

Q.5:- How relativity theory came into the picture?

A:- His wife Elsa described the process by which this theory came to him, which caused him to stay locked in his upstairs room for two weeks while he worked on it.

Q.6:- He was a civil rights Champion?

A:- In addition to his many contributions to theoretical physics, Einstein was a champion for civil rights.

Q.7:- Fight against Racism?

A:-He personally made it possible for thousands of Jewish scientists to escape the Nazi regime, and later went on to become a member of the NAACP as he championed the fight against racism in the US.

Q.8: IQ?

A:- At least when it comes to Mensa quizzes, the oldest IQ tests in the world. Wahi recently scored a perfect score of 162. It's believed that both Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein only had an IQ of 160.

Q.9:- Einstein's son gave permission for his brain to be sent around the world..?

A:- Yes, Hans Albert Einstein, the physicist's elder son, endorsed the removal after the event but insisted that his father's brain should be used only for research to be published in scientific journals of high standing.

Q.10:-The famous photo and last smile?

A:-The famous photo of Einstein sticking out his tongue was taken at the end of his 72nd birthday celebration. A photographer tried to persuade him to smile for the camera for the last time, but having smiled for photographers many times that day, Einstein stuck out his tongue instead.

Bonus time (Rapid Facts):-

  • Einstein's second wife Elsa was actually his cousin.
  • President of Israel Chaim Weizmann died on November 9, 1952. Afterward, Einstein was asked to replace him. Einstein politely refused.
  • ‘Albert Einstein’ is an anagram of ‘ten elite brains’.
  • Albert Einstein didn’t have a car and NEVER learned to drive.
  • Google launched an Albert Einstein Google Doodle celebrates what would have been his 124th birthday.

Some Great quotes :

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."-Albert Einstein
"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value."-Albert Einstein
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I am not sure about the universe.” 
― Albert Einstein

“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” 

― Albert Einstein

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” 

― Albert Einstein

“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” 

― Albert Einstein

“I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” 

― Albert Einstein

“Never memorize something that you can look up.” 

― Albert Einstein

“A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” 

― Albert Einstein

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” 

― Albert Einstein

“It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” 

― Albert Einstein

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